
Today's construction environment demands that materials and construction methods be considerate of our natural resources. From wood door cores with no added urea-formaldehyde, to steel frames with high-recycled content, BlueWater Architectural Products is committed to sustainability and the latest LEED initiatives.


Today's construction environment demands that materials and construction methods be considerate of our natural resources. From wood door cores with no added urea-formaldehyde, to steel frames with high-recycled content, BlueWater Architectural Products is committed to sustainability and the latest LEED initiatives.


Construction Input Prices Rise 2.8% in June, Says ABC
WASHINGTON, July 14—Construction input prices increased 2.8% in June compared to the previous month, according to an Associated Builders and Contractors analysis of Producer Price Index data released today by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Nonresidential construction input prices increased 2.9% for the month.
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New Innovations in Building Materials
2017 predictions on what's new and what's to come.
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company overview

BlueWater Architectural Products brings 12 years of experience in distribution and manufacturing to its clients. Today, as a global business, BlueWater understands architects, contractors and business owners must be selective about their partnerships. Our fundamental philosophy, simply stated, is to become an extension of their businesses, a true professional partner to help them "see around the corners" by being experts in our trade and to use our small but strong position to be quickly responsive and highly selective with what we provide and who we provide our services to.

We help bring spaces to life with extreme coordination, timely delivery and high-quality engineering, but it is the relationships with our clients that we value most. We follow products from selection to installation; however, our services are not confined to our products. BlueWater provides an experience - the comfort level, reliability and collaborative performance you need in a business partner.

test our solid solutions

We believe in what we do and we want you to believe in us, too. That's why we want to consult with you at no charge. Yes, request a free consultation from BlueWater Architectural Products on your next project and give us the chance to show you that we would be a smart, collaborative partner to have on your team.

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